Why homework is important?
Homework is important because it helps children build basic skills that they benefit from throughout their school and work lives. High grades, time management, resource management, discipline, and communication are all essential life skills that open doors to unique possibilities and help young people to achieve career success. Completing assignments regularly and on time enables the child to complete tasks on time in the future. However, the benefits of homework are not only academic, but homework also provides a special opportunity for children to develop their character and independence. As per the recent study, reading with parents significantly improved self-confidence skills such as persistence and memory.

Steps to make children enjoy doing homework
1. Do not give time-consuming or difficult homework to the child
The most important role in a student’s life is that of a teacher, so we start talking about the teacher. Teachers should take special care that the student should never be given a difficult task in the homework which takes up almost the whole time of the children after school. Due to these tasks, the student starts feeling mentally tired and wants to avoid the homework, and starts feeling nervous. Therefore, never give a student a difficult assignment in homework.
2. Don’t force children to do homework immediately after coming from school
Never force the child to do homework immediately as soon as he comes home from school because the child also needs rest like an adult. You should also give some time to the child to rest and for playing. Due to this, the mind of the child remains healthy and the body remains energetic.

3. Assigning a fix schedule for homework
Plan daily activities for your child and always teach the child to follow them, this work is always beneficial for the child. Instead of making plans for them, teach them to organize and lead a planned life. Be sure to give them a chance to make their own plans. If your child sets an appropriate time, it is your responsibility to check and confirm and follow through. Teach the child to do homework and study at the same time every day. Therefore, the daily plan of the child should not be changed frequently. This way your child learns to perform his duties and responsibilities on time.
4. Check all the homework every day
Everyone wants to get rewarded after completing something so it is important that you Even after doing the homework of the child, be sure to encourage the child by observing that work. With this, the child is always becomes able to complete his work on time.

5. Help, if only needed
Of course, you help your child with homework and you try to explain the solution but it becomes a habit of your child and can also reduce the thinking ability of the child. Teach the child to always make decisions based on the situation and try to sit with the child during homework, help only when needed.
6. Apply the power of love
A child always responds if he gets love. It is very important for a child to have a love for his teacher because only then he appreciates the teacher’s advice. Research has shown that students are more responsive to demands from their favorite teachers. Similarly, parents should also show enough love towards their children. Children who feel valued and loved are always more careful about not losing it and fulfilling their responsibilities.

7. Ideal timing for homework according to the grade
As per the suggestions of experts, the time children have to spend on homework is as follows.